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Municipality Finance Plc has the best possible credit rating from Moody’s

Credit rating agency Moody’s has on January 9, 2012, once again, confirmed the best possible credit rating, Aaa, for Municipality Finance Plc.

According to Moody’s the best possible rating reflects Municpality Finance’s strong and important position in the Finnish public sector financing, solid financial fundamentals, asset quality and conservative risk-management policies.

Municipality Finance gets over 99 per cent of its financing from the international money market. The best credit rating has helped Municipality Finance to obtain financing at all times and at more beneficial terms than most banks and European sovereigns.

“The relevance of the top-class credit rating is being emphasized in the current uncertain market environment and the confirmed credit rating gives a strong signal that in challenging times the operations of Municipality Finance Plc and the Finnish public sector are trustworthy”, says Pekka Averio, CEO of Municipality Finance.

The full report of Moody’s is available under

For more information:

President and CEO Pekka Averio, Municipality Finance Plc, tel. +358 9 6803 6211, +358 500 406856

Deputy to the CEO Esa Kallio, tel. +358 9 6803 6231, +358 50 3377953