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MuniFin successfully issues USD 700 million floating rate note

A picture of the AMerican one dollar bill.

On the 9th of January, 2014 MuniFin (AAA, Aaa) issued the first public note of the year: a 2-year USD 700 million floating rate note. Maturity of the note will be in January, 2016 and the coupon is 3 month USD Libor +6 basis points. The joint lead managers for the note are Citibank, HSBC and Nomura. MuniFin estimates that it will acquire approximately EUR 7 billion of long-term funding in 2014.

“In the beginning our aim was to issue a USD 500 million floating rate note, but the investor demand was so strong that we decided to increase the size to USD 700 million”, says MuniFin’s Head of Funding, Joakim Holmström. “This transaction clearly shows our commitment to the public markets and we are very pleased with the outcome”, Holmström concludes.

More information:

Joakim Holmström, Head of Funding, tel. +358 9 6803 5685 +358 9 6803 5685