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MuniFin is the Most Impressive Sovereign, Supranational or Agency Borrower in Medium Term Notes

Participants at the Global Capital 2016 dinner.

MuniFin has been a runner-up before in the same category but this is the first time the company takes the first spot. This time the runner-up positions were taken by the World Bank and KfW.

– We are very delighted to receive this exclusive award. We know that we are competing with a distinguished group of issuers in the MTN space, and to be selected the Most Impressive of them is a huge honor. The fact that this award is selected through a voting process by market participants makes it even more special, says Joakim Holmström, Head of Funding at MuniFin.

– This recognition shows that we as an institution are focusing on areas the markets appreciate, such as responsiveness and flexibility, Holmström continues.