MuniFin announced its inaugural EUR green bond mandate

The proceeds of the transaction will be used to finance projects according to MuniFin’s Green Bonds Framework. The current projects in the green financing portfolio consist of public transportation, sustainable buildings, water and waste water management, renewable energy and energy efficiency. 

MuniFin launched its inaugural USD green bond on September 27th, 2016.

Indicative roadshow schedule: 
Sep 11th:              Sweden
Sep 12th:              Denmark                             
Sep 13th:              France                               
Sep 18th:              Finland
Sep 18th:              UK
Sep 19th:              Netherlands
Sep 20th-21st:     Germany
Further information:

Joakim Holmström, Vice President, Head of Funding 
tel: +358 9 6803 5674

Antti Kontio, Manager, Funding, Head of Corporate Responsibility 
tel: +358 9 6803 5634

Further information on MuniFin Green Bonds >

MuniFin investor relations >

MuniFin joins Finsif

MuniFin sought to become involved in Finsif’s activities in order to obtain valuable know-how and a sparring partner in developing responsible practices. For the same reason, the company also belongs to the FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network and its Diversity Charter Finland.

MuniFin’s mission is to promote social responsibility by enhancing the welfare of municipal residents. We strive to be responsible in everything that we do, but we are developing this work even more systematically than before.

In 2016, MuniFin was the first Finnish actor in the financial sector to issue green bonds and to introduce green loans and leasing as a new product for its customers. Green financing is used to partially or entirely fund projects by MuniFin’s customers that can achieve substantial, positive climate effects. In March 2017, MuniFin received the Climate Bonds Initiative’s (CBI) Green Bond Pioneer Award in recognition of the company’s role in developing the green bond market.

MuniFin monitors its investments by means of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) index performance. The value is slightly higher than benchmark indices.

MuniFin Green Bond Report 2016 is published

Each project is finally approved by an external Green Evaluation Team that consists of three environmental experts. Impact calculations are conducted by Ramboll Finland Ltd. Besides the measurable direct impacts, MuniFin’s eligible green projects also have significant indirect environmental impacts.

The MuniFin Green Bond Report for financial year 2016 covers all eligible green projects, their estimated climate impacts and the green lending development in Finland.

Find out more about MuniFin Green Bond and green lending >

MuniFin receives Climate Bonds Initiative’s 2017 Green Bond Pioneer Award

The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) is an investor-focused not-for-profit organisation which promotes large-scale investment in the low-carbon economy. The inaugural Green Bond Pioneer Awards were launched in 2016. On 6 March 2017, the second round of awards were published.

MuniFin was awarded in the New Country issuance category. All and all, 16 organisations and financial institutions received the recognition. A panel of external industry based advisers were engaged in the CBI awards process in order to confirm that the awardees had met the objective criteria for inclusion in their categories.

With the Green Bond Pioneer Awards CBI aims to recognise leading financial institutions who have pushed green finance forward and developed the green bonds market through their pioneering initiatives and issuances, providing a positive example of low carbon investment.

MuniFin aims to revolutionise the environmental investment scene in Finland

In 2016, MuniFin issued Finland’s first ever green bond after its green lending solutions were received well by its customers. The company is aiming to issue a green bond every 18 to 24 months.

During the first year of MuniFin’s Green Financing, nearly 20 investment projects worth nearly EUR 450 million received the company’s green financing.

– MuniFin wishes to thank Climate Bonds Initiative for the New Country Green Bond Pioneer recognition. We believe that municipal sector is in key role when it comes to combatting climate change. As the first green lender in Finland, we truly are in a position to ignite the green revolution and raise environmental awareness, says Antti Kontio, who headed the preparation of MuniFin’s Green Bond and is now heading the company’s corporate responsibility activities.

What makes MuniFin’s Green Financing exceptional in the global marketplace is the fact that the lending is offered to customers at a margin discount. With the help of discount, MuniFin encourages its customers to make more pro-environmental choices. The projects’ suitability for the green funding framework is assessed by an independent team of external experts.

About Climate Bonds Initiative >

MuniFin Green Bond >

Finland’s first ever green bond boosts municipalities’ environmental investments

Finland’s first ever green bond, i.e. a bond earmarked for environmental investments, was launched at the end of September. The bond attracted a great deal of interest already in advance and was oversubscribed within a few hours.

On the bond’s value date – Tuesday, 4 October 2016 – the London Stock Exchange celebrated Finland’s first green bond in a market opening ceremony, which was attended by representatives from Finnish municipal customers, the Ministry of the Environment, the Finnish embassy, joint lead manager banks and MuniFin. The bond is quoted on the London Stock Exchange.

– MuniFin’s lending portfolio largely focuses on investments that can be described as socially or environmentally responsible. However, for the first time we can now earmark the activities funded by investors and tell them what is being achieved with their investments, says Pekka Averio, President and CEO of MuniFin, describing the significance of the Green Bond.

– The new financial instrument encourages municipalities to make sustainable decisions. The public sector makes a significant share of all purchases. Municipalities can encourage clean and energy efficient investments and boost the circular economy with their decisions, emphasises Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Environment.

– The Finnish municipal sector is quickly becoming aware that environmental investments should be increased, and when initiatives are planned, broader account should be taken of their climate impact. To help the municipal sector absorb the change faster, we are offering more affordable funding for pioneering projects, Averio says.

Wide range of environmental initiatives: from Länsimetro to school buildings

MuniFin’s framework for green financing specifies the sectors of environmental investment that are eligible for the more affordable green funding. The categories included are renewable energy, public transport, sustainable buildings, water and waste water management, energy efficiency, waste treatment, and environmental management and conservation.

When we look at the projects funded so far, Länsimetro has received the most funding. Looking at the number of projects, most of them are related to sustainable construction and energy efficiency.

A lion’s share of sustainable building investments are related to school buildings. One such project is Tuupala’s wooden school in Kuhmo.

– Tuupala’s new wooden school is a national pilot project, which is also expected to become an international reference case. The completely wooden school building is energy efficient, and its district heating solution is based on bioenergy. Kuhmo is also a genuine bioeconomy success story in other respects: almost 70 per cent of energy used in the town is renewable primary energy, which is among the highest rates in the world, says Eila Valtanen, Mayor of Kuhmo.

The new Tyrnävä primary school will also be built with green funding.

– The school at Rantarousti is a wonderful example of our strategy – which is based on bioeconomy, circular economy and lifecycle efficiency – being put into practice. The new Rantarousti school will be heated with geothermal energy, and solar panels will generate some of the electricity used. The lifecycle efficiency imperative shows in the innovative space arrangements and choice of materials. Tyrnävä has decided to become a HINKU municipality, meaning that it aims at a major reduction in its carbon footprint within the next few years. The choices made for the new school support this aim, says Marjukka Manninen, Mayor of Tyrnävä.

An internationally rare feature in the assessment of MuniFin’s green funding is the fact that the projects’ suitability for the green funding framework is assessed by a group of external specialists. The total value of the green projects funded so far is approximately 400 million euros; in addition, several other investments are being considered for funding.

Further information:

Pekka Averio, President and CEO, MuniFin
tel. +358 500 406 856

First Finnish green bond was a success

– It was a strategic decision for MuniFin to access the Green Bond markets. We wanted to offer a new product to the capital markets and further expand our investor base. We are extremely pleased with today’s transaction, which serves as a base to build future transactions on. Amongst the almost 50 investors that the transaction attracted, there were a very large number of new investors who have not invested in MuniFin before, says Esa Kallio, Executive Vice President, Head of Capital Markets.

– MuniFin’s lending portfolio carries an enormous potential for green investments. In the future we intend to become a frequent green bond issuer, Mr Kallio continues.

The lead managers of the transaction were Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Agricole, HSBC and SEB.

Pioneer in Finland

MuniFin is the first Finnish green bond issuer. The company has offered green financing to its customers since early 2016. Green financing can be granted to projects that have clear and measurable environmentally friendly impacts. At the moment the green lending portfolio stands at EUR 400 million with additional projects in the pipeline.

The green projects are assessed and approved by an external Green Loan Committee. The financed projects need to fulfill the requirements of the MuniFin Green Bonds Framework.

– We want to raise environmental awareness in the Finnish public sector. The projects that are approved to our green portfolio are granted financing with a slightly smaller margin than others. By doing this we support our customers to meet their environmental and climate objectives and encourage the whole municipal sector to make environmentally friendly investment decisions, Esa Kallio says.

Details of the transaction

The first Finnish green bond was traded on September 27 and will settle on October 4, 2016. The 5-year green bond was priced 33 basis points over the 5-year USD mid-swap and pays a fixed coupon of 1.375 %. Re-offer price was 99.495 % and the spread over the 5-year Treasury bond was 36.7 basis points.

Investor demand was strong from the outset and the book reached oversubscription by Tuesday afternoon on September 27. The bond was well distributed around the globe. Europe excluding the Nordics accounted for 42 %, Americas 29 %, Nordics 22 % and Asia Pacific 7 %.

Further information:

Esa Kallio, Executive Vice President, Head of Capital Markets
Tel. +358 50 3377 953

Jukka Helminen, Executive Vice President, Customer Finance
Tel. + 358 50 5987 615

Finland’s first ever Green Bond issue getting closer

The group of banks will organise for MuniFin a series of fixed income investor meetings in the US and Europe over the coming weeks to introduce its Green Bond Framework.

An inaugural USD-denominated Reg-S/144a Green Bond transaction may follow, subject to market conditions.

MuniFin launched Green Financing for its customers in April 2016. By the end of August, 330 million euros worth of Green Financing has been granted for the customers.

Further information on Green Bonds is available at Green bonds section of the website.

MuniFin launches green financing

Green financing is offered to selected projects that promote the transition to low-carbon and climate resilient growth. These projects seek to mitigate or adopt to the climate change.

All green projects are financed and located in Finland. In addition to marketing benefits and improved profiling advantage for the customer, MuniFin offers margin discount for all green projects.

Green financing is funded by Green Bonds

MuniFin’s inaugural Green Bond is planned to be executed in Q3 or Q4/2015. Size will be EUR or USD 500 million and maturity 7 to 10 years depending on the market conditions.

In the future MuniFin aims to issue one benchmark sized Green Bond per year. This represents approximately 15 per cent of the annual gross lending volume.

Read more about MuniFin’s Green Bonds