MuniFin’s green bond premiere in the Sterling market attracted ESG investors

Taking advantage of the constructive market tone, MuniFin announced the transaction on Tuesday 26 October at 9:10 London time. The books opened with price guidance at UKT 09/24 +30bps area. The size was fixed from the outset at GBP 250 million. The orderbook grew steadily and was finally closed in excess of GBP 300 million at 12:15.

Central banks and official institutions took 44% of the orderbook, with Asset Managers as a close second with 42.9% participation. Geographically, European investors took 54.2%, excluding the Nordics. Asia Pacific took 34% and Africa and the Middle East 10%.

– We are excited to have issued our inaugural green bond in the GBP market and to have been able to offer the green bond product to the Sterling market. It was great to add a fourth currency to our green bond offering and to further diversify our green bond investor base. We are humbled by the vote of confidence from our investors and we couldn’t be happier, says Karoliina Kajova, Senior Manager at Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin.

MuniFin has previously issued EUR and USD green bonds in the public market and one private placement in AUD. The first green bond was issued in 2016. With this transaction MuniFin is close to completing its funding target for the year.

Read more about the transaction:

Transaction details

Issuer:Municipality Finance Plc (“Munifin”)
Ratings:Aa1 / AA+ (both Stable) by Moody’s / S&P
Size:GBP 250,000,000
Coupon:0.875% annual, Actual/Actual (ICMA), following unadjusted
Pricing Date:26th October 2021
Payment Date:02nd November 2021
Maturity Date:16th December 2024
Benchmark:UKT 2 ¾ 09/07/24
Benchmark Spread:+30bps
Joint Bookrunners:BofA Securities, Nomura, TD Securities

Comments from the bookrunners

Huge congratulations to the Municipality Finance team for navigating the volatile backdrop and printing a hugely successful, second GBP transaction of 2021. Excellent to see the issuer benefiting from the growing demand for ESG assets in GBP and adding a fourth currency to their Green bond offerings. The orderbook is testament to the strong following MuniFin has gathered amongst the UK investor base, as well as the broader global central bank community.

Adrien de Naurois, Managing Director, Head of DCM SSA & EMEA IG Syndicate, BofA Securities

“Nomura was delighted to support Municipality Finance’s inaugural Green outing in the Sterling market – a resounding success, broadening MuniFins’s ESG investor universe and reinforcing the sustainability commitment of the organisation.”

Mark Yeomans, Managing Director, SSA Debt Capital Markets, Nomura

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on a fantastic inaugural GBP Green transaction. There was notable participation from dedicated green investors in this trade; a clear vote of confidence from the market in MuniFin’s credentials in the ESG space. This transaction has added a fourth currency to MuniFin’s green offerings and helps further expand their green investor base.”

Laura Quinn, Managing Director, Head of Primary Markets, TD Securities, Dublin

Further information

Joakim Holmström

Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability, MuniFin

+358 50 4443 638

Antti Kontio

Head of Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin

+358 50 3700 285

Karoliina Kajova

Senior Manager, Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin

+358 50 5767 707

MuniFin’s Social bond tap oversubscribed by ESG investors

The mandate for the EUR 500 million Social bond tap was announced 12:00 CET on Monday 4 October 2021 and the books opened the following morning with a spread guidance of mid-swaps +1 area. Exceptionally strong investor demand allowed MuniFin to tighten the spread guidance quickly to MS-1 bps area. Despite the tightening of 2 bps the orderbook grew to EUR 1.8 billion. The final spead was set to MS-2. The original bond offers a 0,050% coupon. The transaction was jointly led by DZ BANK, NatWest Markets N.V., SEB and Société Générale.

The bonds were distributed to a high degree of quality investors across Europe, with 75% placed with dedicated ESG accounts. A total of 43 investors, all European, finally participated in the transaction. Asset managers took the bulk with 43% allocation, followed by a 31% allocation to central banks and 24% to bank treasuries.

The record-high demand among ESG investors fortifies MuniFin’s excellent reputation as a sustainable bond issuer.

“We are extremely pleased with the outcome. The exceptionally high interest among ESG investors and a meaningful greenium, or should we say socium, of around 2 basis points shows that sustainability really pays off”, says Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin.

MuniFin’s social finance promotes investments that produce widespread social benefits and serve the needs of their users in an exemplary way. MuniFin’s social finance projects promote equality, communality, safety, welfare, or regional vitality.

A cover picture for social bonds with the text " Investments that make a difference".

Learn more about our social finance >

IssuerMunicipality Finance Plc (“MuniFin”)
RatingAa1 / AA+ (Moody’s/S&P – both stable)
Issue SizeEUR 500mn (no-grow)
New Outstanding AmountEUR 1.1bn
Payment Date12 October 2021
Maturity Date10 September 2035
Re-offer Price96.119%
Re-offer Yield0.336%
Re-offer vs Mid-Swaps-2 bps
Re-offer vs BenchmarkDBR 05/2035 +35.9 bps
Lead ManagersDZ BANK, NatWest Markets N.V., SEB, Société Générale

Comments from the bookrunners

“DZ BANK as an institution that firmly roots in the cooperative and sustainable financial sector is proud to have been chosen to support MuniFin in this highly successful bond issue as a bookrunner.

While we expected strong participation from Germany already ahead of the transaction, it is even greater so see how well known MuniFin is by the German investor base and how much it likes the MuniFin credit. MuniFin also met the sweet spot of demand with their 15 year tenor.

The social format of the bond and Munifin´s social commitment in the eligible categories social housing, welfare and education was another driver for the strong outcome and tight pricing of the transaction.”

Kai Poerschke, Head of SSA Origination at DZ BANK

“A great outcome for the Munifin team who remain at the forefront of ESG in the primary markets. By offering investors an opportunity to be involved in a more liquid issuance they have once again been rewarded with strong demand from a loyal investor base. Books over 3 times subscribed with a sizeable ‘greenium’ clearly show this. 75% take up from ESG accounts is another impressive statistic and represents the largest ESG allocation MuniFin have seen.”

Kerr Finlayson, Head of FBG Syndicate at NatWest Markets

“We congratulate MuniFin on the fantastic outcome of their second venture into the Social market. The transaction was met with the solid investor support that the MuniFin name always delivers, with a multiple times oversubscribed book, and pricing 1 bp inside fair value. The successful outcome today highlights investors’ commitment to MuniFin and the important work they do to improve social well-being in Finland.”

Rebekah Logan Bray, Senior Originator, SSA Origination at SEB

“MuniFin’s best in class social bond framework and investor reporting have once again been endorsed with this remarkable success. By adding liquidity to its 2035 issue, MuniFin has achieved a pricing through secondary with a transaction over 3 times oversubscribed.”

Olivier Vion, Head of SSA Primary Markets at Société Générale

Further information

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 500 3700285

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 50 4443 638

Economic Forecast 3/2021: Economic recovery exceeded expectations, part-time jobs bolster employment figures – MuniFin raises its GDP forecast

Domestic demand has recovered rapidly after the COVID shutdown period in March, says Chief Economist Timo Vesala in MuniFin’s third economic forecast this year. Finland’s GDP bounced back to pre-pandemic levels sooner than expected and investing activities have recovered rapidly as well.

As economic growth has exceeded expectations, MuniFin raised its forecast of this year’s GDP growth to 3.2%. MuniFin predicts this year’s GDP growth to carry over and stay at 3.0% in 2022, and slow down to 1.8% in 2023.

Things are looking somewhat less stable globally: forecasts for the global economy estimate that peak growth may already have passed. Vesala points out that this does not automatically imply a dramatic change in the global economic outlook.

”Overall recovery from the pandemic happened in a more front-loaded manner than expected. On the other hand, supply side bottlenecks in global value chains  may have been underestimated”, Vesala explains.

Employment figures boosted by part-time jobs, recovery of overall working hours still underway

Recovering employment has been a positive surprise this year. The trend of the employment rate has already reached the pre-pandemic top level of 72.7%, and a record number of open jobs remain available.

Vesala notes that the employment figures can be explained by growth in part-time jobs. Total working hours still amount for less than before the pandemic. In other words, work is now divided among more people.

As a flipside of rapid economic recovery, significant bottlenecks have developed in the labour market. Many sectors are affected by acute labour shortage hampering growth in production.

“Part of the shortage is due to a skills gap. Jobs lost during the pandemic are being replaced with new, but slightly different ones with different skill requirements”, Vesala observes.

Economic recovery may increase regional differences

The demand for labour has regional differences. Southeast Finland and North Karelia have fewer open jobs per capita than the Finnish average, while South and Central Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and Lapland have more. The demand for labour has grown even faster in municipalities and joint municipal authorities than in the private sector.

Labour shortage is evident especially in Ostrobothnia, where unemployment is substantially lower than the average in Finland. Kainuu and Lapland are suffering from a particularly difficult employment mismatch where many jobs are available, but unemployment remains high.

As the economy recovers, these kinds of regional differences may become larger.

“The regions with an educated and economically active population will reap the most benefits from the economic upswing”, Vesala predicts.

Uncertainty about the health and social services reform

The improving economy has a positive effect on municipal finances as well. Employment and total payroll have grown faster than expected, resulting in more tax income. Esa Kallio, CEO at MuniFin, points out that favourable economic conditions alone will not solve the structural challenges that municipalities struggle with.

“Transforming age structure and dwindling working population continue to threaten the economic sustainability of many municipalities.”

Implementing the health and social services reform is also a burdensome execise for municipalities.

“There is uncertainty about municipality-specific impact assessments and transfer of functions. At the same time, municipalities are expected to determine their post-reform level of taxation for the year 2023. This is a very difficult task. And while the reform reduces some need for municipal investments, it shrinks municipalities’ operations much more in comparison and thus a smaller income base supports investments. Supporting the long-term investing capacity of municipalities is therefore even more important than before”, Kallio summarises.

Additional information:

Heidi Penttinen, Communications Manager
tel. +358 45 139 3229

MuniFin strengthens its investment practices and publishes Sustainable Investment Framework

MuniFin’s ultimate objective is to embed sustainability across all its business areas. Treasury has further set concrete sustainability targets for its investments. The Framework is a transparent way to communicate these targets and principles to all our stakeholders, such as customers, investors and ESG rating agencies.

“Sustainability is in our DNA at MuniFin. This is evident in our core business, as our mission is to develop the Finnish welfare state, and in our tradition of being an active issuer of sustainable bonds. Now we want to strengthen our role as a responsible institution by publishing our own framework for sustainable investing”, says Pasi Heikkilä, Head of Treasury and Capital Markets Services.

The new Sustainable Investment Framework is one important step on MuniFin’s sustainability roadmap.

“We work hard to develop our operations in line with our strategy and values of which sustainability is a key element. The creation of Sustainable Investment Framework is part of the systematic work we carry out. We aim to increase the transparency of our investment management and promote sustainable investment practices. Simultaneously, we acknowledge the increasing importance of ESG risks that should be considered in managing our investments. This is the next step and we will continue walking”, says Kalle Kinnunen, Sustainability Manager at MuniFin.

Read the Sustainable Investment Framework here.

Further information

Pasi Heikkilä, Head of Treasury and Capital Markets Services, MuniFin
Tel. +358 50 328 8837

Kalle Kinnunen, Sustainability Manager, Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 400 489 425

MuniFin issues a record-breaking USD benchmark

The mandate for this USD 1 billion transaction was announced on Monday 25 August at 14:00 CET with IPTs of MS+4bps area. When the books opened the following morning MuniFin tightened the pricing by 1bp to MS+3bps area due to excess and high-quality demand of USD 2 billion. The orderbook quickly grew to a total of USD 3.4 billion and the benchmark was finally priced at MS+2bps, making it the largest and tightest USD transaction to date.

“We were able to react swiftly to the favorable market conditions, which was a key-factor in making this transaction a huge success”, says Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin.

The transaction gathered over 80 investors of the highest quality with Central Banks and official institutions taking 32% and bank treasuries taking 55% of the final allocations. Geographically, European investors took the bulk with 53% allocations, supplemented by Americas (20%), Asia (16%), Nordics (10%) and Africa and Middle East (1%).

With this trade, MuniFin has raised 75 percent of the EUR 10-11 billion funding target for 2021.

Issuer:Municipality Finance Plc (“MuniFin”)
Ratings:Aa1 / AA+ (both Stable) by Moody’s / S&P
Coupon:% Fixed S/A, 30/360
Size:USD 1 billion
Pricing Date:25th August 2021
Payment Date:2nd September 2021 (T+5)
Maturity Date:2nd September 2026
Coupon:0.875%, semi-annual
Reoffer Spread:MS + 2 bps | CT5 + 11.31 bps
Joint BookrunnersCiti / J.P. Morgan / Nomura / RBC Capital Markets

Comments from the Bookrunners

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on a very successful outcome for their second USD benchmark of the year. MuniFin’s decision to move quickly against a strong primary market backdrop was rewarded with the tightest spread versus mid-swaps and USTs that they have achieved for a 5-year benchmark, as well as the largest ever orderbook for a MuniFin USD benchmark. Citi was delighted to be involved in this record-breaking transaction.”

Ebba Wexler, Managing Director, SSA Debt Capital Markets, Citi

“Congratulations to MuniFin on an incredible post-summer return to the USD benchmark market. The issuer’s largest USD orderbook to date, record spreads both versus Mid-Swaps and Treasuries, as well as pricing with minimal new issue concession: All a reflection of MuniFin’s credit quality and high standing amongst global investors.”

Angelica-Maria Strolz, Executive Director, SSA Debt Capital Markets, J. P. Morgan

“An incredibly well-timed and successful transaction for MuniFin, taking advantage of the early post-summer window to secure their 2nd US$ benchmark of 2021 whilst simultaneously achieving historically tight spreads. Investors have been clearly anticipating supply and the rapid oversubscription of the book, with over 80 accounts participating, is a clear demonstration of the appeal of the MuniFin credit to the global investor community and a recognition of the MuniFin team’s strategic focus on investor engagement. It has been huge pleasure for Nomura to work with MuniFin on this trade.”

Mark Yeomans, Managing Director, SSA Debt Capital Markets, Nomura

“A fantastic transaction for MuniFin, reacting swiftly to the favourable market conditions to price their tightest ever 5-year USD benchmark. Attracting demand in excess of $3.4bn with pricing at minimal concessions to the issuer’s outstanding USD curve is a real testament to the tireless efforts of the MuniFin team in engaging with the global investor base. A really great outcome and RBC was delighted to have been involved.”

Andrea Jelic, Director at RBC Capital Markets

Further information

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 500 3700285

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 50 4443 638

MuniFin published its half year report for 2021: loan growth normalised and Group results improved

The demand for financing in the municipal sector remained lower than expected due to surprisingly good economic development and the Government’s temporary COVID-19 recovery measures. Financing for non-profit housing production saw modest growth. Overall, the growth of MuniFin’s lending portfolio returned to normal levels from the spike in demand created last year by the COVID-19 pandemic. MuniFin’s new lending for the reporting period totalled EUR 1,601 million, while total long-term funding stood at EUR 28,582 million. The Group’s net operating profit amounted to EUR 127 million.

Interest towards MuniFin’s sustainable finance products continued to grow. At the end of June, MuniFin’s green finance totalled EUR 2,120 million and social finance totalled EUR 833 million. Green finance is granted to investments that generate clear and measurable environmental benefits, while social finance is granted to investments that promote equality and communality. In total, MuniFin’s sustainable finance grew by 24.3% compared to the turn of the year.

“Our customers have been very receptive to the social finance product we introduced to the market last year. Municipalities play a key role in the achievement of climate goals, and they have indeed done innovative work to reduce emissions”, notes Esa Kallio, CEO at MuniFin.

The Finnish Parliament passed the health and social services reform bill this June. In the near future, the reform is not expected to have a major impact on MuniFin’s operations or financial outlook, but Finnish municipalities will be affected by the reform in many ways. Their need for investments is nevertheless expected to remain approximately at the current level, and many structural issues yet remain to be solved.

“Ageing population and migration to growth centres are causing financial difficulties for many municipalities. As new municipal councils begin their term in August, council members are faced with the responsible task of finding new forms of intermunicipal collaboration to tackle challenges caused by these structural problems, while also working to build a more ecologically and socially sustainable municipality”, Kallio points out.

MuniFin issued inaugural SOFR-linked note

“During the last year we have been building our operational capabilities for both SOFR- and SONIA-linked funding products. Now when we are operationally ready, it was very nice to get this trade done and enter into a completely new market. We see that these new risk-free rates will be the new market standard in the future and they will be in an important role in our funding strategy”, says Joakim Holmström, EVP Capital Markets and Sustainability at MuniFin.

Further information

Joakim Holmström
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets, MuniFin
Tel. +358 50 4443 638

Green growth forum 14-15 September 2021: True impacts of sustainable investing

Green Growth Forum aims to investigate the true impacts of sustainable investing. The conference brings together top investors, researchers, and peers in sustainable finance to introduce emerging sustainable trends and finance practices.

Speakers include Philipp Hildebrand, Vice Chairman of BlackRock, MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen and Tuomas Välimäki, Member of the Board of the Bank of Finland. The conference is chaired by Erkki Liikanen, Chair of Trustees of IFRS Foundation.

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability will be MuniFin’s speaker at the event.

Green Growth Forum

When: 14-15 September 2021

Where: Online event (free of charge)

More information and registration:

The Conference will provide answers to the questions such as:

  • What are the main principles of sustainable investing, and what it’s role in advancing global sustainability?
  • How do nature and biodiversity work with financing?
  • How to fight climate change, and are emission restrictions and carbon taxes the key components? What do different financial instruments accomplish over time?
  • What is the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities?
  • Are there ways to standardize and make sustainable investing and financing comparable?

Updated investor presentation available

The updated presentation includes information on the following topics:

  • MuniFin and the set up of the Finnish public sector
  • The Finnish economy and economic outlook
  • Funding operations
  • Sustainable bonds: Green and social bonds

We have also added information on MuniFin’s conservative risk management and more details on the public sector set-up in Finland.

The presentation is available here.

Take a look at our investor relations page here, where our investor presentation can also be found.

Kalle Kinnunen appointed MuniFin’s first Sustainability Manager

In his new role, Kinnunen is in charge of establishing MuniFin’s ESG strategy and roadmap, creating best practices and integrating sustainability in all MuniFin operations.

“My job is to respond both internally and externally to the expectations of our customers, investors, supervisory authorities and other stakeholders and to react to new opportunities in the fast-changing field of sustainability”, says Kalle Kinnunen.

“Responsibility and sustainable development are top themes at the moment, and we’ll also continue to solidify their position as the bedrock of our strategy. Both the markets and regulation are undergoing massive changes, so we must put even more effort into staying up to speed. Because we aim to call ourselves pioneers also in the future, we have recently hired our new Sustainability Manager and established a new virtual sustainability team”, says Joakim Holmström, head of capital markets and sustainability at MuniFin.

Thanks to his participation in various development projects, Kinnunen is already familiar with MuniFin.

“Through our previous projects, Kalle has gained a solid overall view of our operations. His strong background in sustainability and development work will help him succeed in this new role, which cuts through our entire organisation”, Holmström notes.

Motivated by meaningful work and the chance to make an impact

The new Sustainability Manager is motivated by meaningful work.

“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges that the humankind must tackle. The financial sector and the municipal sector play a significant role in building a better future. My role at MuniFin offers me a chance to make as big a positive impact as possible”, explains Kinnunen.

Sustainability is already an integral part of MuniFin’s organisation and operations, and Kinnunen speaks highly of the company’s sustainable finance products.

“We already have great finance products and we are internationally recognised as a pioneer in issuing green and social bonds. As we speak, our customers across Finland are making socially and environmentally sustainable investments, which are partly enabled by our finance. But the field of sustainability is evolving at a dizzying speed, and it is my job to make sure that we not only keep up with the pace, but preferably lead the way”, Kinnunen says.

Kinnunen finds his new employer fascinating: in terms of personnel numbers, it is relatively small and agile, but in terms of balance sheet, MuniFin is the third largest credit institution in Finland, and one with great social significance.

“The influence I can exercise within the organisation is real, and my work involves collaboration at all levels of the organisation. I my opinion, establishing a Sustainability Manager role speaks volumes of MuniFin’s genuine ambitions in sustainable development.

The sporty Sustainability Manager recovers from work by exercising.

“In my free time, I like to challenge myself by practicing endurance sports: running, cycling and swimming”, says Kinnunen.

Kalle Kinnunen

  • Sustainability Manager since 6 April 2021
  • Motivated by meaningful work
  • Graduated as M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2015 and he is also a CFA charterholder
  • Lives in Vantaa
  • Hobbies include running, cycling and swimming

Photo by Aya Brace

Written by Jenni Heikkilä