Overwhelming demand for MuniFin’s EUR 1.5 billion benchmark

The announcement for the new November 2024 EUR benchmark was announced to the market late morning in London at 11:00 UKT on the 7th of January, with books officially opening the following morning at 8:15 UKT.

Demand for this deal was extensive and the orderbook started to build up quickly. The first update was provided to the market at 9:08 UKT with books in excess of EUR 1.8bn and guidance revised to MS –4 bps area. The final spread was set shortly after at MS –5 bps with final books finishing at EUR 3.9bn after closing at 11:05 UKT.

This transaction attracted a high quality group of investors and the composition of allocations was as follows: Official Institutions (47%), Banks (33%), Asset Managers (18%) and Insurance / Pensions Funds (2%).

The orderbook was very granular with diversified allocation to different geographical locations as follows: Benelux (24%), Nordics (20%), France (14%), Asia (7%), Other Europe (25%) and Other (10%).

Comments on the transaction

– An impressive outcome for MuniFin, refreshing their EUR curve with a new short 5 year benchmark. With a very high quality orderbook, pricing at at the tight end of guidance and with minimal new issue premium, the deal attracted MuniFin’s largest order book to date underscoring the extent of MuniFin’s investor following. Danske Bank is delighted to have supported MuniFin on this important transaction.
Gustav Landström, Global Head of SSA Origination Danske Bank, who acted as a joint lead manager in the transaction

– An outstanding result for MuniFin with their largest ever euro Benchmark. They showed great initiative to be the first Nordic SSA to come to the EUR market and were rewarded with an exceptionally strong quality orderbook amidst a very heavy supply backdrop
Adrien De Naurois, Managing Director, BofA Securities

– This impressive result from MuniFin is due to the agility to take hold of a strong window following the reopening of the market in 2020. The successful strategy of offering investors an attractive maturity and pricing level exceeded expectations. This is highly evident when looking at the record size final orderbook and notable quality of investors that took part. Nabil Menai, Managing Director, Global Head of SSA DCM at Natixis, who acted as a joint lead manager in the transaction

– MuniFin returned to the Euro market with a smashing transaction. Despite the geopolitical unrest, which could have hurt investor sentiment, the issuer assertively took the window. The heavy supply from sovereign issuers did not distract investors from the quality of the MuniFin offering and they got a record orderbook. It allowed a pricing very close to fair value and a distribution of the highest quality.
Olivier Vion, Head of SSA DCM and Syndicate, Société Générale

Details of the transaction

Issue sizeEUR 1.5 billion
Payment date15/01/2020
Maturity date15/11/2024
Re-offer price101.183%
Re-offer yield-0.243%
Re-offer vs mid-swaps-5 bps
Lead managersBank of America, Danske Bank, Natixis, Société Générale

Further information:

Joakim Holmström, Head of Capital Markets, tel. +358 9 6803 5674

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding, tel. +358 9 6803 5634

MuniFin plans to issue EUR 8.2 billion long-term funding in 2020

In 2020 MuniFin forecasts to issue approximately EUR 8.2 billion of long-term funding. The amount is slightly larger compared to 2019 – mainly due to the redemption profile. Focus on strategic currencies, in both EUR and USD, will continue. The plan is to issue approximately 2/3 of the funding through strategic trades and the rest 1/3 through tactical funding: other public markets, private placements and structured retail notes. This is also in line with 2019 allocation.

MuniFin is also planning to increase its presence in theme bond markets. Framework for Social bonds with the related Second Party Opinion will be released within few weeks’ time with the aim to issue the inaugural Social bond during H2/2020. In addition, a new benchmark sized Green bond is planned for 2020. Timing for this transaction will depend on the underlying green asset portfolio.

2019 has been successful in terms of new funding: EUR 7.4 billion has been issued by the end of the year. Out of this almost 65% has been issued in strategic public markets. MuniFin has issued two EUR benchmark transactions (5y and Green in 10 years), two USD fixed rate benchmarks (3 and 5y) and has tapped existing EUR benchmarks two times in 2019.

Top 4 currencies in 2019 have been EUR (35%), USD (29%), JPY (17%) and NOK (14%). These currencies account for more than 95% of the new funding issued in 2019.

MuniFin joins Climate Bonds Initiative Partners Program

MuniFin launched green financing for environmental investments in 2016 and issued its first green bond the same year. Since then the company has issued two more publicly traded green bonds and arranged one green private placement. The green project portfolio has reached over EUR 1.2 billion.

MuniFin has taken an active role in promoting more ambitious climate action among its customers. The company offers a margin discount for green projects, which is still globally a rare feature among green financing products.

“We need to dramatically scale up investments to counter climate change, at a global, regional, national and community level. MuniFin acts as a cost-efficient vehicle to channel global funds into Finland’s climate transition, playing a key role in the financing of climate mitigation and adaption projects in municipalities”, says Manuel Adamini, Head of Investor Engagement at Climate Bonds Initiative.

“Raising awareness of the need of green investments and helping our customers to find working examples of realised green investments is one of our aims. We believe that Climate Bonds Initiative will significantly help us reaching this goal”, says Esa Kallio, President and CEO of MuniFin.   

Climate Bonds Initiative undertakes advocacy and outreach to inform and stimulate the market, provides policy models and government advice, market data and analysis, and administers an international Standard & Certification Scheme for best practice in green bonds issuance.

“The Climate Bonds Initiative is delighted to join forces with MuniFin, a green bonds pioneer, to further strengthen climate action in Finland”, Mr. Adamini says.

Banks, institutional investors, private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments are eligible to join as Climate Bond Partners to help grow a market of green and climate bonds. Partners support investor and stakeholder outreach and education projects centred on growing robust and­­­ sustainable green bond markets that contribute to climate action and low carbon investment. Partners assist in developing initiatives to grow investment in climate finance solutions, participate in different market development committees & help define policy agendas for sector, country & sub-national green bond development programs. A list of Partners is available here.

MuniFin’s latest USD benchmark gathered the company’s largest ever orderbook

MuniFin took advantage of the earliest available window following the US holiday on Monday 2nd September to announce the mandate of their second USD benchmark transaction of 2019. This 3yr benchmark follows MuniFin’s successful 5yr transaction in March and is their largest USD benchmark issue since 2013. Following the volatile summer period, MuniFin were able to deftly identify an open issuance window amidst a highly anticipated SSA pipeline. Despite the recent market volatility, the ability of MuniFin to move 3 basis points from IPTs is an achievement no other SSA peers have managed since January.

The transaction was announced to the market at 11.15am London time on Tuesday 3rd September 2019, with investors invited to reflect Indications of Interest (IOIs) for a USD benchmark transaction. Initial Price Thoughts – IPTs – of MS+18bps area were released in tandem, representing a marginal new issue concession to fair value.

The investor response throughout the European afternoon and overnight US sessions was noteworthy, with IOIs exceeding USD 1.9bn by the London open on Wednesday 4th September. Due to the quality of the order book, price guidance was revised by 1bp to MS+17bps area. Momentum and investor interest continued to build throughout the London morning, and less than one hour later, investor orders had reached in excess of USD 2.9bn. A deal size of USD 1.25bn was communicated to the market at this time and guidance revised further to MS+16bps area. Investor demand continued to grow, and by the time global books were closed the order book had peaked in excess of USD 3.25bn. This allowed MuniFin to set the spread at MS+15bps, 3bps tighter than IPT.

The bond priced with a final spread to the 3yr US Treasury of 10.05bps which represents the tightest UST spread for a MuniFin USD bond ever, as well as the tightest spread for an agency name in the SSA space post-summer.

Despite this, the demand from the Official Institution and Central Bank community was significant at 67%. In terms of geographical distribution, the bond was evenly distributed across EMEA, Americas and Asian-based investors alike.

MuniFin has funding requirements of EUR7.1bn for 2019 and after this transaction have completed EUR 5.5bn of their funding for the year.

Comments on the transaction:

“Huge congratulations to the Munifin team for a remarkable transaction! Despite market volatility, Munifin was nimble out of the summer period coming to market with its latest 3-year USD benchmark, delivering a huge success to boot. This is a fitting way to celebrate Munifin’s 30th anniversary this year with such a fantastic result.”
Lee Cumbes, Head of Public Sector EMEA, Barclays

“MuniFin have executed another excellent USD transaction, their largest since 2013 despite the backdrop of an extremely busy supply window in the SSA space. This transaction was further proof of the support MuniFin receive from the Official Institution community globally which allowed them to be one of few issuers who has moved 3bp from IPTs in 2019.”
Robert Matthews, SSA DCM, BNP Paribas

“A brilliant result for MuniFin. An oversubscribed, high quality orderbook with over 60% from Central Banks / Official institution allowed a 3bps spread tightening through book-build – the first time for an SSA since January. This is a testament to the MuniFin name and ability to take advantage of market conditions.”
Matthieu Batard, Head of SSA Syndicate, J.P. Morgan

“Arguably MuniFin’s most successful transaction ever with their largest orderbook, tightest spread to US Treasuries and a 3 basis point move from IPTs in this volatile backdrop. This is an incredible achievement for the MuniFin team and we congratulate them on the flawless execution of their transaction.”
Ally Goddard, SSA DCM, TD Securities

IssuerMunicipality Finance Plc (“MuniFin”)
RatingAa1/AA+ (all stable)
Issue sizeUSD 1.25 billion
Settlement date12 September 2019 (T+6)
Maturity date12 September 2022
Coupon1.375% payable semi-annually
Re-offer price99.728%
Re-offer yield1.468%
Re-offer vs benchmarkT 1.500% 08/15/22 + 10.05bps
Re-offer vs mid-swaps+15bps
Lead managersBarclays, BNP Paribas, J.P. Morgan, TD Securities
Co-lead managersMitsubishi UFJ, Morgan Stanley, SMBC Nikko, Tokai Tokyo Securities

Further information:

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets,
tel. +358 9 6803 5674
Antti Kontio, Vice President, Head of Funding, Capital Markets,
tel. +358 9 6803 5634 

MuniFin goes green again – with exceptionally strong investor demand

The mandate of a new 10-year Green bond was announced in the afternoon on Monday 1 July. On Tuesday 2 July MuniFin arranged a Global Investor Call and books for the benchmark were opened on Wednesday morning, 3 July at mid-swaps -5 area. Investor demand was exceptionally strong from the outset and the book grew quickly. Just over an hour after announcement (10.10 CET), the guidance was revised directly to -7 bps area, with orders over EUR 1.2 billion. Books closed at 11.00 CET at mid-swaps -8 basis points. The final order book was over EUR 2 billion. Close to 90 accounts participated in the transaction.

The order book was dominated by investors from Europe, accounting for 81% of the transaction. Asia presented 12%, North America 6% and the Middle East 1%. Central Banks & Official Institutions represented the largest share of allocations (34%), closely followed by Banks (30%), Insurance Companies & Pension Funds (20%), Asset managers (15%) and Others (1%).

The transaction is MuniFin’s second EUR-denominated Green bond, having issued a USD Green bond in 2016 as well as a EUR and AUD Green bond in 2017. With this transaction MuniFin has issued approximately EUR 1.5 billion equivalent in Green bond format.

“We started our green journey more than three years ago and this is our fourth Green bond issued so far. We are very pleased to see that investors are comfortable with our credit and the green story. The investor base in our Green bonds is much broader than in our conventional benchmarks, which also reduces execution risk. Pricing through our existing EUR benchmark curve shows that investors are thirsty for Green bonds”, says Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and CSR at MuniFin.

“MuniFin won Environmental Finance’s Green Bond Issuer of the Year (SSA) Award for its inaugural Euro-denominated Green Bond transaction, and MuniFin’s second EUR Green Bond has echoed the success of the first. It was a phenomenal success; in terms of oversubscription, both high-quality and sustainability focused investor participation, and pricing outcome seen at negative 2 bps new issue premium, despite a challenging low-yield environment. The outstanding result is a testament to MuniFin’s dedication to the Green Bond market and its marketing efforts and excellent relationship with the Green Bond investor community”, says Kamal Grossard-Amin, Head of SSA DCM at Nordea.

Details of the transaction:

EUR 500 million 0.05% Green Benchmark due 6 September 2029

Issuer: Municipality Finance PLC (Kuntarahoitus Oyj)
Rating:Aa1/AA+ (Stable/Stable)
Issuer Size:EUR 500m
Payment Date:10 July 2019
Maturity Date:6 September 2029
Coupon:0.05% Fixed, Annual, Act/Act, ICMA, Short first
Re-offer Price:99.970%
Re-offer Yield:0.053%
Re-offer vs Mid Swaps:       -8 bps
Re-offer vs Benchmark:    +43.8 bps over DBR 0.25% due Feb-29
Lead Managers:   Crédit Agricole CIB, HSBC, Nordea, Rabobank

More information:

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and CSR, tel. +358 9 6803 5634

Joakim Holmström, Head of Capital Markets, tel. +358 9 6803 5674

Nasdaq Helsinki is the new listing venue for MuniFin’s bonds

On April 5 MuniFin listed its four outstanding benchmark bonds on Nasdaq Helsinki. The bonds are issued under MuniFin’s EUR 30 billion euro medium term note programme (EMTN.)

The listing of these bonds marks the first step in Munifin’s ambition to list all their new bonds under the program requiring listing on Nasdaq Helsinki. A euro medium term note is a medium-term, flexible debt instrument designed to make it easy for issuers to raise capital and enter foreign markets.

– We are pleased to use Nasdaq Helsinki for all our future bond listings. MuniFin is one of the most active bond issuers in Finland and we have a diversified and growing investor base around the globe. Nasdaq Helsinki is a well-recognised stock exchange and a natural choice for us, said Joakim Holmström, Head of Capital Markets at MuniFin.

– We are dedicated towards building a strong and dynamic Nordic financial market and are keen to partner with MuniFin in it. Last year we launched a dedicated Sustainable Bond market in Finland, and MuniFin was the first issuer to list green bonds on Nasdaq Helsinki. MuniFin is a market leader and we are pleased with their decision to list additional bonds in Helsinki today. We look forward to developing a booming bond market in Finland and hope MuniFin’s decision will inspire other issuers to join the market, said Henrik Husman, President of Nasdaq Helsinki.

– MuniFin’s green bond listing last year attracted a lot of attention and we believe it contributed to a pipeline of prospective new green bond issuers in Finland. There is no doubt in our minds that the Finnish market will see more green bonds being issued in the coming years as the market is amongst the most mature in terms of sustainability and transparency, said Ann-Charlotte Eliasson, Head of Nordic Fixed Income listings at Nasdaq.

MuniFin’s USD 1bn benchmark three times oversubscribed within one hour

Books opened on Wednesday morning at 8.00am GMT with guidance of MS +15 bps area after first collecting indications of interest at +16 bps area overnight.  The books were closed shortly at 9.00am GMT, the strong demand allowing MuniFin to fix the spread at MS +14 basis points. Final orders were in excess of USD 3 billion. This represents the largest-ever orderbook for a MuniFin USD benchmark.

– We are delighted with the outcome of the trade. The USD is one of MuniFin’s strategic benchmark markets and we’re pleased to have seen such a strong reception for this trade from our long-standing investor base. This was one of the fastest book-building processes for a USD transaction that I can remember and the USD 3bn+ of orders represent the largest-ever orderbook for a MuniFin USD deal, says Joakim Holmström, the Head of Capital Markets at MuniFin.

More than 45 investors participated in this transaction with particularly strong demand from central banks, official institutions and bank treasuries. Geographically, half of the demand originated from the EMEA region.

Keys to success: strong name recognition and swift reaction to a favourable market backdrop

The lead managers of the transaction were Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BMO, Nomura and Scotiabank.

– This is an outstanding result for MuniFin’s first USD benchmark of the year. A three times oversubscribed book and pricing through their curve is testament to MuniFin’s strong name recognition in the USD market, comments Managing Director Massimo Antonelli of BMO Capital Markets.

– Municipality Finance delivered a textbook USD benchmark transaction by moving swiftly in reaction to a favourable market backdrop. The outsized orderbook reflected a broad appeal of the name to a wide variety of investors; this in turn allowed Municipality Finance to price extremely tight versus its curve and its peers, says Cesare Roselli, Managing Director of Scotiabank.

Issue size: USD 1 bn
Settlement date: 20 March 2019
Maturity date: 15 November 2023
Re-offer spread: MS +14bps / CT5 +20.2bps
Coupon: 2.500%
Re-offer: 99.471% / 2.622% s.a.

MuniFin wins Best Uridashi Bond Issuer Award

MuniFin has been a frequent issuer in the Japanese Uridashi market since the ’90s. Uridashi bonds are issued in a variety of structures and MuniFin is active in all major product groups, equity linked and FX linked structures being the most important. Uridashi market plays an important role in MuniFin’s funding strategy as it provides good geographical and maturity diversification. 

More information:

Award winners on the CMD Portal > 

Joakim Holmström, Head of Capital Markets
Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Corporate Responsibility

MuniFin prints new solid 5-year EUR benchmark

MuniFin announced the mandate for a new March 2024 EUR benchmark in the London afternoon on Tuesday 8th January. With constructive market backdrop into Wednesday 9th January books opened officially in the London morning with the price guidance of MS-5 area.

Positive response from the international investor community contributed to a steady order book growth from high quality accounts and with books approaching the EUR1bn mark at 11:00 UKT, the final spread was confirmed at MS-5 bps to offer market participants definition.

Interest continued to grow and books closed in excess of EUR 1.25bn. The deal was priced with a reoffer price of 99.653%, an annual yield of 0.193% and pays a coupon of 0.125% annually.

The high quality orderbook was comprised of Bank treasuries (37%), Central Banks and Official institutions (36%), Fund managers (20%) as well as Corporates (7%). The majority of orders came from the EMEA region (79%) followed by good participation out of the Nordic region (18%) and the US (3%).

– A strong result for MuniFin, combining attractive pricing with high quality oversubscribed orderbook. MuniFin showed true leadership in deciding to be the first Nordic SSA to come to the EUR market so early in the year despite the volatile market opening and crowded market space. A true testament to MuniFin’s credit story and track record, says Kamal Grossard-Amin, Managing Director, Head of SSA DCM at Nordea, who acted as a joint lead manager in the transaction.

Issue Size:      EUR 1 billion
Payment Date:16 January 2019
Maturity Date: 7 March 2024
Coupon:   0.125% Fixed coupon
Re-offer Price: 99.653%
Re-offer Yield: 0.193%
Re-offer vs Mid Swaps:-5 bps
Lead Managers:   Citibank, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Nordea

More information:

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding
+358 50 3700 285


MuniFin forecasts to issue EUR 7.1 billion in 2019

Focus on both EUR and USD benchmark markets will continue. The funding plan has been divided into two categories: strategic and tactical. The plan is to issue roughly 2/3 of the funding through strategic trades and the rest 1/3 through structured retail notes and private placements. This is also in line with 2018 allocation. 

MuniFin is also planning to issue a new benchmark sized Green bond, most probably in EUR or USD. Timing for this transaction will depend on the underlying asset portfolio but the aim is to issue in H1.

2018 has been successful in terms of new funding: EUR 7.2 billion has been issued year-to-date and the full-year estimate is EUR 7.5 billion. Out of this almost 70% has been issued in strategic public markets. MuniFin has issued two USD fixed rate benchmarks (3 and 5y), one USD FRN and one EUR benchmark in 15y. In addition, existing EUR benchmarks have been tapped few times in 2018. 

Top 5 currencies in 2018 have been USD (43%), EUR (25%), JPY (19%), GBP (8%) and NOK (3%).