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Significant issuer awards for MuniFin

Picture of the prize giving ceremony. MuniFin won the Agency Issuer of the Year 2015 award.

Mtn-i, a British market data provider, awarded MuniFin the Agency Issuer of the Year 2015  award in its award ceremony on February 11, 2016.

– Being recognized as the best Agency Issuer is a significant achievement for us. SSA issuers have attractive investment opportunities to offer in the international capital markets, and the amount of active issuers is large. We have been building a strong presence in several markets and put a lot of effort into developing investor relations and a flexible product offering. The mtn-i award is a recognition for this work, says Esa Kallio, Senior Vice President and the Head of Capital Markets at MuniFin.

Earlier in December 2015 Capital Market Daily (CDM) chose MuniFin as the Best Structured Note Issuer and the Best Uridashi Bond Issuer.

MuniFin was in very good company; the only other winners besides MuniFin in the awards CMD Portal organizes in several categories were the German development bank KfW and the World Bank Group subsidiary IFC. The Best Issuers chosen by mtn-i were MuniFin, the World Bank, the Dutch ABN AMRO bank and energy giant Engie.

Further information:

mtn-i 2016 award winners

CMD 2016 Issuer Awards