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MuniFin renews its organisation and operational model to improve customer experience

Decorative picture of city skyline at dusk.

The actions are especially aimed to establish an even better base for a further improved customer experience. Furthermore, the aim is to improve quality and make MuniFin’s operations more fluent. The aim is also to improve the employee experience. To achieve these targets, the new organisation is based, more stronger than previously, around the core business processes of the company, namely customer financing solutions and capital markets processes. Changes to the organisation will come into force on 1 January 2021.

The management of development operations will be moved closer to the business operations by establishing new roles that support development in the business functions. In order to manage the entire development portfolio, a new Development and HR Services division will be established. Besides managing the development portfolio, the aim of this division is to support change management of MuniFin group.  MuniFin’s current HR director Minna Mäkeläinen has been appointed, as of 1 Jan 2021, to lead this division and she will also be a member of the Executive Management Team.

Composition of the Executive Management team as of 1 January 2021 is as follows:

  • Esa Kallio, President and CEO
  • Mari Tyster, Legal and Communications, deputy to the CEO
  • Aku Dunderfelt, Customer Solutions
  • Toni Heikkilä, Risk Management and Compliance
  • Joakim Holmström, Capital Markets and Corporate Responsibility
  • Rainer Holm, IT and Technology
  • Harri Luhtala, Finance
  • Minna Mäkeläinen, Development and HR Services

– With this renewal, we aim to have a flexible and fluent operational model, which ensures a client-centric approach also in the long-term, and consequently a constant ability to adapt to changes in the business environment. The new organisation emphasises the employee experience, which we aim to enhance by lowering organisational levels and by developing our processes. With these changes we will move from a partially IT system oriented development to a model that better takes into account our processes and comprehensive development needs, describes MuniFin’s CEO Esa Kallio.

The renewal of the organisation and the operational model included co-operational negotiations with the personnel and these negotiations have now been completed. The renewal of the organisation will lead to a termination of 10 positions in the company.

Additional information:

MuniFin President and CEO Esa Kallio, tel. +358 50 3377953